Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Maybe this is the real source?

You know those terrible forwarded e-mails you get that say "If you don't send this to ten people, your first-born son will get polio and die of ebola"? I have a cousin who is WAY too into these awful forwards. Way too into them. One of them was "Send to ten people and you get a special wish." Her closing line was, "I have a very special wish, so please help me!" Turned out she wanted a baby. Oh she got it alright. No details. I've blogged her before, and I'm rude and mean etc.

What if they're true? What if the interweb really can curse you? What if all those deleted quasi-spam are some sort of judgment against me for not toeing the internet's line? Is the interweb the new supreme judge of all?

I hate forwards. Hate them. Just got one from crazy cousin again. Didn't even open it (Actually, that's a lie, but I didn't read it.) But do the forwards know something about the universe that I don't? Gawd I hope not.

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