Tuesday, May 06, 2008

You didn't even know I was away

My dad instilled in me a deep paranoia about ever letting anyone know when I was going out of town. Surely, he was convinced, some miscreant would take advantage of the knowledge and rob my home of my crockpot and espresso machine.

I was away, and I didn't tell you, internets, because some cyber criminal looking for blog posts on vacations might have taken my stash of yarn and collection of dollar vases from Ikea. Or my favorite couch pillow. God bless me if they took my favorite couch pillow.

Lovely husband and I were in North Carolina for his cousin's wedding. We were south of the Outer Banks and north of Cape Fear, somewhere called Top Sail. Which is funny because there was visibly a huge sandbar that makes sailing in the area pretty much impossible.

I'm glad I survived the vacation. Matthew's parents rented a huge condo and the ENTIRE Wy family of in-laws and babies and sisters and sister's friend stayed together in one house. Everyone was on their best behavior (except when inebriated), and the whole trip went much more smoothly than I would have imagined. It's a compliment to my mother-in-law that she pulled everything together and it went so well.

The wedding was odd in that the etiquette of the bride and her family didn't jibe with the way I was raised. I was constantly surprised by her sudden departures from parties thrown in her honor. Really, she's a lovely girl, and I like her a lot for someone I barely know, but I couldn't wrap my Southern Trained Brain around some of her behavior. I told myself, "Everyone's different. She can do it her way," but that only helped a little.

I took more than 200 pictures, and the ones shot on film I can't wait to develop. Once I weed out the loser photos, gobs will be going up on my Flickr account. As you know, internets, I am incredibly lazy, so don't expect the photos quickly. Maybe a few of me hula hooping in the ocean will go up soon, but some of the wedding photos need to be Photoshopped to correct for bad exposure (It was my fault for not getting the aperture right on the first few photos).

Team Wy is back. Some of us slightly sunburned, both of us very tired, and the dog thrilled to be reunited with the loves of her life.

Now we just need groceries.

1 comment:

a said...

I do the same thing with the never-tell-your-future-plans-online thing! I read a post on a friend's blog the other day in which he said that he and his wife were going out of town and leaving the twins with his parents. I about fainted thinking of all the horrible things that could happen with that information turned loose into the world. It is completely irrational, but I completely understand you on this one!

Okay, gotta run to the store now, um, I mean, gotta sit here with my door locked and my children safely playing right by my side or something...

- "Amanda"