Thursday, February 21, 2008

My shoelaces are loose

If I had a microchip that connected my brain to a word processing program on a remote computer, my blog would be full to the brim. When me and my sleep dysfunction lay side-by-side, we think of awesome sentences that put all the words together in such an echt way. I feel like an ingĂ©nue laying in bed awake at night, but there’s no way for me to type out the words and still fall asleep.

Awake, the thought nuggets are there, but they are sleeping at last, and the sentences just don’t go together the way they should. I have a million fragments of one sentence openers I’ve written, but never gotten farther than that one premise.

Too bad I can’t stay up all night. I’d be a genius.

1 comment:

eeny meeny said...

Time to get a mini tape recorder so you can keep your sentences! Of course, that might keep you from falling asleep too...