Wednesday, September 24, 2008

OK, so I’m doing it

I had no intention of blogging about my political views, but Matthew said it was obligatory. He planted a bug in my ear, and now I feel like I’ve got to get it out via Christine Wy.

Yesterday I joined a (useless) Facebook group, St. Augustine college for Obama. I semi-publicly declared myself Obama-ite.

I wish I had a deeply heartfelt and insightful reason for voting Obama versus the typical Dem v. Republican rhetoric, but, no, I ain’t got it. What I can say is that I like him. I just do. He oozes like. I guess that is deeply heartfelt, but not very insightful, I fear.

When Fox shows Obama accidentally stammering over lines in a speech, I feel sympathy, not the resentment I feel toward Bush. And McCain? Is the guy a robot or what? OK, here’s an insightful (if obscure) metaphor. McCain is like that episode of Futurama where Bender hallucinates that he’s on the island of obsolete robots who refused to be upgraded. McCain is totally the wooden robot that runs via water wheel.

There it is interweb. Enjoy my pointless political offering.

1 comment:

eeny meeny said...

If your readers need more reason to vote for the fabulous Obama, check this out: