Saturday, October 06, 2007

Tiny frogs

After all the rain we've had in St. Augustine, and all the standing water that just won't recede, we've had tadpoles swimming around in our little swamps in the middle of streets and teeming in sidewalk sinkholes. Now they've hatched. Riding my scooter today, I chased away throngs of the tiniest little baby frogs, newly emerged from tadpole stage, hopping on their panicked way. I think they're adorable. It almost makes me wish we had a little rain pond in our yard so I could add tiny frogs to our tiny lizard population


meinemo said...

It's like that video game "Frogger" in real life! I hope they don't all end up squished!

I bet those mosquitos are breeding in the standing water, too. Time to get that anti-itch creme!

Anonymous said...

I was gonna say Frogger too! :0)